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Reducing waste to landfill, how the waste and recycling industry can positively impact the supply chain

7 July 2015

No man is an island”, and the shared responsibilities throughout the supply chain of reducing waste to landfill sites in the UK is a prime example of this philosophy.  In a previous blog we focussed on how the manufacturing industry can play its part in increasing the potential to recycle and reuse items that enter the supply chain. 

In this blog we’d like to review how the waste management and recycling industries are faring against regulations and targets (EU Waste Framework Directive – 50% by 2020) within the context of the current UK and global climate; and what more needs to be done at company level.

How has the waste hierarchy been impacted by regulations and targets?

As an example, in the UK household plastic recycling  has increased hugely from the last decade – we’ve gone from 50,000 tonnes of material collected to more than 450,000 this decade; according to Recoup the plastics recycling body, and whilst the export debate rages surrounding packaging recovery notes (PRNs) and PERNs; it is clear that there is a growing demand from UK households across the board.

Local authorities and councils have made a positive impact therefore in communicating with and supporting households in order to meet government recycling targets, with mixed success.  However, local authorities are now balancing increased landfill taxes and budget cuts – squeezing the middle and leading to the need for a more commercial arrangement (to raise revenues) with waste collection companies and more efficient practices – the old adage of “doing more with less”. 

Quality of materials entering into the circular economy therefore becomes as important as the quantity flowing through the waste hierarchy; not an easy task with austerity measures impacting the household communications budget of local authorities.

Waste collection and business management solutions

Having systems and processes in place to manage and monitor waste collections and to optimise quality and quantity is more important than ever if the UK is to meet EU targets in these challenging times.  Sector specific business management solutions such as enwis ) from Prodware help to manage waste collection, processing, storage, recycling and disposal.  Speak to us today to find out how we support the entire supply chain in achieving their own targets.

We are proud to sponsor and speak at the Resource Summit on 14th July, which brings together leaders from across various sectors including retailers, manufacturers, construction contractors, recycling and waste management companies, local government and others with the aim of discussing and formulating ideas and policy to drive the resource efficiency and circular economic growth.